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About Us

Partners for Children is a CAPC [Community Action Program for Children].  In 1994 there were 110 CAPC programs created across Canada, all which were and are funded by the Public Health Agency of Canada.  The Partners for Children program is sponsored by the Network for Healthy Early Human Development Yukon and operates from an office at 108c Copper Road in Whitehorse.


By increasing an understanding of how to provide healthy development opportunities to parents, public and professionals, our goal is to improve the health and development of our youngest children.


Since our 1994 inception we have created authentic relationships with people and organizations that have enabled us to create programs that are requested.  Workshops, presentations, family programming, partner-led newsletters and a resource guide are examples of our programs that make a difference and improve the lives of our families and communities.

Our Team

Family Programs Facilitators
Cai Krikorian
Kathryn Grimmett
Katie Swales &
Rebecca Fenton


Cai and Kathryn work in partnership with other local programs to facilitate our Family Programs, which include Parent-Child Mother Goose, Mothering Your Baby - the 1st Year, the Nobody's Perfect Parenting Program, Handle with Care, and Infant Massage.  They also support the operation of our Family Resource Centre.

Katie and Rebecca co-coordinate all aspects of the programs offered by the Network for Healthy Early Human Development Yukon, including Partners for Children and the Quality Roots program (separate website). 

Romp n'Run - Haines Junction Coordinator
Jessica Condon

The Haines Junction Romp N’Run program is for children 4 years of age and younger and their parents. The program offers biweekly group sessions providing a variety of programming such as dance, music, story-telling, yoga, gross motor activities, games, etc.

Board of Directors:

Executive: Tanja Westland (President), Tara Wheeler (Vice-President), Laurie Parker (Secretary), Lisa Snyder (Treasurer)


Directors: Ashley Reynolds, Stephanie Davidson

Our Philosophy

Our philosophy is that real, hard-wired change comes from the grass-roots; the voiced needs of the people driving what we do. Programs we offer and develop are community driven and discovered through person to person conversations, which is why our relationships with individuals, organizations and governments are so important.  

Our Programming

Click on the tabs above to check out what we offer parents/caregivers, child care practitioners, child care directors and other professionals working with young children and their families.  


Also check out the Partners for Children Facebook page and Instagram.

Partners for Children would not be possible without the support of our funders and our program partners.

Our Funders

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Our Program Delivery Partners

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